Books & Publications
The Local Economy Revolution Has Arrived: What’s Changed and How You Can Help.
This collection of essays and stories explores how macro-changes in technology, economics and more are affecting local communities, and examines the changes in behavior and mindset that communities and community leaders will need to help the places they care about thrive in the coming era.
Everybody Innovates Here analyzes the common structures and limitations of current approaches to generating entrepreneurship and innovation, and outlines a strategy for creating truly inclusive innovation systems that benefit the whole community. Everybody Innovates Here is one of the underpinnings of the Power Plant community innovation system, which is part of my Doing work.
Everybody Innovates Here
Crowdsourcing Wisdom examines the failures and unintended consequences of public participation or public engagement and provides detailed instructions on an alternative approach that allows people to participate more actively and constructively in decisions about their community’s future.
Crowdsourcing Wisdom
Why this Work Matters presents personal reflections written by 11 government and nonprofit leaders, focusing on their motivations and challenges in the face of communities that often discredit or oppose them.
Why this Work Matters
Short Shots
The First Principles of the Local Economy Revolution
OnlinePublic Engagement 3.0 (Short Shot)
The Secrets of Retail District Revitalization
Blog content ends up on multiple sites, including this one, Wise Fool Press and the books, Trep House and Econogy, as well as Medium. The Wise Economy Substack newsletter, Future Here Now, also has regular original content.
And a Google search on “Della Rucker” will turn up random interesting stuff as well. You don’t know until you try.